Contact Ron and Liz

Want More AromaTouch Technique Info?

The AromaTouch® Technique is one of the fastest and most amazing ways to get a whole-body experience doTERRA Essential Oils.

Although you can learn how to give one from a doTERRA Wellness Advocate, it is best to learn and get certified from a certified instructor who has had direct one-on-one training from the creator of the AromaTouch Technique, Dr. David Hill.

If you have any questions prior to enrolling in one of our certification classes or comments about our website, please enter your name and email below (along with your phone number, if you want a call) and any questions or comments and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

Have an amazing week and keep smiling,

Ron and Liz Wilder

Certified AromaTouch Instructors
Reno, NV